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 作者未知 编辑:张家程 时间:2009/6/29 18:08:00    加入收藏

采访专家:Dr. Park 问题1:我们知道您在左主干病变介入治疗领域做了大量工作,您认为左主干病变DES治疗可以取代CABG术吗? Q 1:As we know, you have done outstanding work on PCI in left main disease. Do you think stents can replace surgery in left main disease? 问题2:第一代药物洗脱支架安全性仍旧是我们关注的热点,而下一代DES安全性是否优于第一代还需要时间验证,您如何看待这个问题? Q2:There is still currently debate on the safety of the first generation DES. Whether next generation DES is better than first generation DES on the safety is unknown. What is your opinion about this problem? 问题3:据统计,目前中国DES使用比例超过95%,而欧美相应比例远低于中国,您如何看待这种差别? Q3:According to the latest data, more than 95% CHD patients in China were implanted with DES. However, it was much lower in Europe and America. What do you think about this difference? 问题4:CTO病变目前仍是介入治疗领域的难点和热点,您认为目前CTO治疗方面存在的主要问题有哪些?如何解决? Q4: PCI for CTO lesion is still a big problem at present. What is the main problem of PCI for CTO? How to solve?

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